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WILD TROPICS Alphabet Posters

These alphabet posters are perfect for display in your preschool or kindergarten classroom! With easy to edit text, choose from three different designs each with a calming modern tropical theme!
Made to compliment our WILD TROPICS Classroom Decor, print out our pre-made posters or CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and create your own version ! Perfect for teachers needing to use Australian State fonts.
Here's what's included -
  • square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters (different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
  • A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different earthy colors + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
  • square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images in B+W (consonants/vowel posters two different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource. Decide on your poster, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply type in your text then PRINT.
Please note - prices are in US dollars

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